Speaker A It's because you're racist. Speaker B I just don't like the slides and all. I want. It's still gray. Speaker C What are we talking about? Speaker A He's saying he doesn't like dark people. The problem. Speaker C I get it, Rob. No, what are we talking? What the fuck? Speaker D You're not supposed to agree with that. Speaker C But it's a joke. Speaker D No, audacity has a dark theme, and dark theme rules on everything. And if you use light theme, and I know you do, Tyler, you're a fucking monster. Speaker C What do you mean? Speaker D You know I do because you sent me screenshots from your phone before, and it is bright as Paul's ass. Speaker A How do you know how bright my ass is? I have questions. Speaker C I do like describing it as bright. Speaker A Yeah, that's. Speaker B Paul farts sunshine. Speaker A It never sees the sun, so it's very likely. Speaker D I'm willing to bet that all of us have bright asses to some degree. Speaker C Yeah. Yeah. Speaker A It depends on what part of Europe your ancestry is from. Speaker B I gotta live up to my moniker, at least. Speaker D So the white cuban. Speaker C The great white hope. Speaker B More like the great white. Nope. Speaker A Ew. Speaker D God, I hope that's recorded. It is nice. Speaker A Probably. Speaker C Let me just finish my ice cream before we get rolling here. I forgot we were recording, dude. I just got home. I literally just got home. Had a horrible bowel movement, and then I got in my chair and went, oh, I can finally rest. And then Rob said, we're on. Speaker A And I went, oh, God, this isn't restful to you? Speaker C Come on. Speaker D Oh, no. He starts every recording already tensed up. Yeah, he's gonna. He's either gonna get triggered by you or me. Speaker A He's fucking filling his stomach or lactose. He's gonna be dying over there. Speaker C It's either gonna be Paul talking about how he doesn't believe soap exists, or it will be Robert saying, hey, Tyler, I know I've been weightlifting for a year, but I'm starting to think form doesn't matter at all. What do you think about that? I have to answer that question. Speaker A I mean, soap technically doesn't exist because it's, like, fat and other things. Like, it's not a real thing. Speaker B There you go. Speaker D Fat. What kind of soap are you using? Speaker A Soap. You're using. Speaker C Paul saw fight club once, and he thinks soap is made out of fat. Speaker A I think I have the book. I don't even have the movie on dvd. Speaker D Also, the fact that you knew it was a book is kind of telling. Speaker A Yeah. So by definition, is fat or oil mixed with an alkali. Speaker D Huh. Speaker A God damn bird. Speaker C Okay, I ate my ice cream. I'm ready. Speaker A What are we talking about? Speaker D I'm a little disappointed you didn't have any beds. Because I have a bev. Frank. Speaker C I had one. I had a little 16 ounce sapporo. It was really good. Speaker A I love that he doesn't even bother to ask if I have, because he knows the answer. Speaker D I do know the answer. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker D This one is coming from Maui Brewing Company. It is a. It's called pineapple manna. It's a wheat beer. Love it. Speaker A Stop pimping for your wheat beer. Speaker D No, the only thing that I'm going to pimp for is for W GG. You can use the promo code. Akillofish. Get 10% off, boo. Yeah. Speaker C And I will. I will. Speaker B There it is. Speaker C What was the word? What did you say? Simp. No, what'd you say? Speaker A Simp makes sense. Speaker C The only thing you'll. What for. What was the word? Speaker D For pimp. To pimp. Speaker C Oh, I would love to pimp for beluga vodka. Please sponsor me and send me the $100 bottle, please. God, that'd be great. Ruin my. Let me make more bad decisions. Speaker A I have a bev of refrigerator water. Speaker C So that. I bet the filter is fucking ten years old on. Speaker D No, we took the filter a long time ago. Speaker C Yeah, that red light was really annoying. Speaker A There's no filter. Speaker D It just. It was restrictive. Speaker A I actually. I don't know what I did with my water. Oh, well, nice. I thought I had it. Speaker C You remember when Florida actually had. It was like one of the states with the best drinking water because of the aquifers. And then we fucking spilled pesticides of the aquifers and went, oh, sorry, it rocks. I love it. Sorry for poisoning everyone. Speaker B Oh, well, Zephyr Hills is still the number one producer of bottled water. Speaker A I don't know who I. Who I get from bottled water. Hold on, let me look at the floor. I'm sure there's some bottles down there, I swear. Yes, there are. There's three bottles on the mist. Speaker B All the empty pizza boxes. Speaker A Yeah, it's Zephyr Hills. That's what I get. Speaker B Dead cats. Speaker C Yeah, dead animals. Speaker A Oh, speaking of boxes on my floor. Speaker C This will be a good first story. So about five days ago, when I was heading to the gym, I was hanging a right out of my neighborhood. And there's. I was going legitimately maybe 5 miles an hour, if that. So as I'm going five, right before this turn, I run over something and go, go, go. And I go, what the fuck was that? Speaker B Small child. Speaker C And I look in the rear view. Now, granted, this is 06:00 a.m. so this is. This is barely sunlight. And I look in the rear view mirror, and I see what I believe is, like, a raccoon kind of shuffle away. I'm like, oh, some dumbass raccoon wandered out on the road and I fucked him up a little bit. So fast forward to today where I am coming out of the gym, and I parked directly in front of the gym doors, this time with my car facing the doors. And I was like, what the fuck is that up under my car? And I walk over and I'm looking. I'm like, is it like something from a tree? And I literally get down on all fours, hands and knees in the road and look under my car, and there's just gore hanging from. Speaker A That's amazing. Speaker C Front middle of my car. And I just looked at it for a minute, and I was like, okay, that is. That's something. I can't even identify what it is. So I make it to the office, and I go in and I go, hey, I'm gonna use an hour of sick time or whatever. And, you know, my boss is like, why? And I was like, because there's either an entire or part of an animal stuck to my vehicle or an entire part. So I go to the cleaning guy, I go. I go to the janitor in the office, and I'm like, hey, can I have some gloves and a rag? Speaker A Hey, mister janitor. Speaker C And he was like, yeah, of course. Like, what's going on? I explained it to him and he's like, here. And he takes a mop, and he takes the brush part of the mop off and, like, he hooks me up. He, like, wraps it around anyways, so he, like, hooks me up with his tool, and I walk all the way back out, and I, like, get the gore, and I'm, like, pushing it in all the directions to try and get it loose, and then I, like, pull and it, like, hits the ground. And I was like, all right, I'm done. And I was like, no, I gotta see what it is. So I, like, scoop it out. And the best, what I guess it would be is just like, a patch of flesh. I, like, took some of its hide off when it was, like, hair and dirt and blood and skin. Speaker B You scalped the small child? Speaker A Yeah. Speaker C It was horrifying. Speaker D Yeah. Speaker C And I called my dad and told him. He was like, oh, that's why the dog's been sniffing around the front of your car. Cool. Speaker A You really got to have better situational awareness, man. That's like the 8th thing you've hit. Speaker C Yeah, well, it's not kids anymore. At least. Speaker A Yeah, at least. Second kid. Speaker C It was fucked though, man. That's not a pleasant experience. Speaker A No, that sounds awful. Speaker B It's better than deer. Speaker D Yeah. Oh, dude, I've taken out several deer. Speaker A You wouldn't have like a front end of your car. Speaker C It'd be like you have their skull in your radiator. Speaker B Deer can destroy tanks. Speaker D Yeah, that rocks. Speaker A I had one that used to play chicken with me on my way to work. I think I've told this story before. Speaker D But I don't recall it. Speaker A No. Oh, my God. So it was a doe? Cause I didn't see any antlers at least. But it was always on this dirt road. I would be going to work in the mornings. I had an hour commute. And to get to the prison, I had to go down a back dirt road to actually get there. And it would be, you know, fucking 06:00 in the morning when all of the wildlife is active. And there were these steep ditches on either side of this narrow dirt road. So God forbid anybody be hauling ass the opposite direction of you down it. But a deer would be hiding down in that ditch. And the first. The first time I saw it, it ran across the road, like, right? And I almost hit it. I had to slam on brakes. I'm like, pinch. Fuck. And then the next morning, it. It fucking comes from the other direction and goes across the road. And I'm like, the fuck are we doing here? And so I'm like, okay. I didn't see it the third day, but on the fourth day, I'm going down the road, and I see something in the ditch aligned with my car. And I keep going, and it hops out of the ditch, runs alongside the front of my car, and I end up, like, bumping into it. And I could tell I did because I saw its hind legs go up. And I'm like, bitch, if you kick out my fucking spotlight, I'm gonna get out his car and skin you alive. Fucked. Goddamn deer. It's just, like, persistent. I think about it a lot because it bothers me. I don't know if it, like, had something against me in particular or just. Speaker D Love that the deer has that much, like, impact in your mental psyche that you think about it often. Speaker A I do. Well, I think about it often. Much later, like months later when I was going to work. I got all the way to the prison where it stopped being Florida swampland. And it was just green grass because they got to make it look presentable at the front, at least. And we had these little trees lined up along the road, and there was a deer curled up under the tree, and I don't know if it was dead or not. And I had often wondered if that was the same deer, and it just kept playing stupid games in traffic. Speaker D Hmm. Speaker A Yeah. Florida's fun for wildlife. I love it. Speaker D Yeah. I mean, somebody's getting eaten by an alligator almost every day. Speaker C Okay, Frank. So you say, Frank says, frank DM's me. And says, good, thermogenic. And I'm like, is he saying that my raccoon story was a conversation starter? Like it? Speaker A Yeah. Speaker C Nothing else. Good, thermogenic. And I go, huh? And then she sends me a picture of the ghost burn, or had you sent it? And it was just taking forever. Speaker B Like 20 minutes ago, apparently it just now said, oh, that rocks. Speaker C Okay. All right. I was about to grill the fuck out of you. Speaker A That's funny. Speaker B Yeah. Speaker C God damn. It's like, thermogenic. Speaker D Yeah, the. The gore under your car was keeping the muffler warm or something. Speaker A I can see that. Speaker C All right, what topics do we have? I want to get into. I want to get into something crazy. Speaker D I don't know how crazy it is. Like, if we're just going to go right into what I mentioned in discord, it's kind of heavy. I feel like. But you said you had. Speaker C Why do you keep doing heavy? Speaker D Yeah, man, I'm in a weird. Speaker A There's no levity. It's terrible. Speaker D I am in a weird. Like, what's the word when you're. Speaker C Gay? Speaker D Yeah, exactly. Speaker A I think it's gay. Speaker D Exactly. No, just weird, introspective sort of stuff. This. I don't know, this actually came up. Speaker A But you have two jobs and you own your own business. You haven't left in a whole. Speaker B All of his therapy time has been soaked up conversations with you. So I just. Speaker C And if you're external. If your external things are good, what's left but the internal, right? Speaker A Yeah, I'm sorry I keep causing you mad depression. Speaker D Right? Because lately. Well, I say lately, but probably for the past year and a half or so before I started going to the gym and all that, like, I made a conscious decision to try to address things that would periodically come up, whether it's, like, emotions that I was having or just, like, emotions, fights I was having with myself or just choice, just various things like that. And one of those things, it starts from the question of, like, why I do what I do and why we do what we do specifically in healthcare, because, honestly, sometimes it just feels like a fucking rat race because you're just like, why are we doing this? Like, this person's jacked up. This person. Like, there's no quality of life. Why are we even doing this? Or. And that inevitably leads to the question of what is the point of life? And then with both of my parents having passed and a significant part of the family that I was super close with have gone, it brought up the question of, why do we sign up for things that we're almost guaranteed heartbreak in? Like, having pets or families or what? Like, I don't know. It's a. Like, I know why we do it. Because we crave. Generally speaking, we crave that companionship. We crave that love and that attention. But why do we do it? Speaker A That's. That's. That's way too highbrow for this. Speaker C I don't think it's that difficult of a question. I mean, the reason that we get pets that we know will die in 1012 years or whatever is because we believe that our lives are enriched so much during that time that it is worth the grief that we feel when they go. Speaker D When I looked up, I wasn't trying to do, like, any research or whatever, but I did kind of do, like, a cursory search for, like, regret for having, like, relationships or whatever, why we set ourselves up for heartbreak. And there was a Winnie the pooh quote that actually kind of hit home for me, and it's how lucky am I to have something that makes me say goodbye so hard or something that makes. Speaker C Oh, he fucked up the quote. Oh, my God. Speaker D You can't even. Speaker A Quoteable. Speaker D Notable. How. Damn it. How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard? Speaker C Nice. Yeah, well, you can do. Speaker A You can do the butters thing too. Speaker D The butters thing? What, did Butters. Speaker A Yeah. When Butters was super depressed and crying and they tried to get him to be an emo kid with them or goth kid with them, and it's like what you said, he's like, well, yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time, I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like. It makes me feel winnie the pooh. Yeah. It makes me feel human. Yeah. Speaker C I mean, Frank. Frank probably can corroborate this, but most of dream theater stuff is about. Speaker D In. Speaker C Order to find joy in life, you have to suffer through the pain. Like, it's. Speaker A You have to take part of the bad with the good. Speaker B No, you can't absolutely have silver linings without clouds. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker D Yes. Speaker A You know, and a part of that butter saying is, like, the only way that. That he could feel that sad now was if he had also felt something really good before. So you gotta. You gotta be happy with that. Speaker B Yeah. Speaker A Beautiful sadness. Speaker D Hmm. Speaker C It's a tough thing because a lot of people, you know, grief is. Is the hardest thing we deal with outside of, like, physical violence. So a lot of people can get really overwhelmed, overrun by grief, especially if it all hits you at once. You know, if somebody. If somebody loses one parent and then three months later, they lose another one, I mean, Jesus. Speaker B Which happens more often. Speaker D I'm the first to admit that I find myself in those kinds of places fairly often. And it's. Speaker C For whatever reason, I pray you never experience heartbreak, Robert. Dude, heartbreak. Heartbreak is the. Speaker A The day Robert gets a divorce, we're gonna have to, like, make sure none of the rope stores have rope in stock. Speaker C Dude. I think heartbreak. I mean, I haven't lost a parent, of course, but do we need a. Speaker A Disclaimer at the beginning of our show? Speaker C It's like, let's put a trigger warning on this one. Let's call it trigger warning. Speaker A Just every episode, I generally will bring up suicide or fucking racism. Speaker C Let's call this one trigger warning. And the description will just say, this one is sad. Speaker A God, black people. Am I right? Speaker C Thank you. Speaker D Paul said he's trying. Oh, God, let me kick my cat out. I didn't know she was in here. Speaker A Oh, my God. Speaker D Come here, you little bitch. Speaker C You know, I wanted to. I wanted to. I had this revelation recently, and I think it's super, super, super important. For real. So, Paul, don't say anything gay or I'll kill you. I was at a table with a friend, and this friend was married. And at some point, her husband was like, hey, I think I want to go open. I think I want to be Polly. And she was like, yeah, okay, I guess I'll try it for you. And it didn't work out, of course. And he ended up cheating on her, and he ended up taking everything and leaving her and, like, soul bombing her, like, really doing some damage to her life. And, of course, you've always know. I've gone through the wringer when it comes to relationships and women and stuff like that. And I. So we were at the table, and she was like, yeah. Like, I obviously know that I am not a poly person. I wouldn't go back to it, but it taught me so much. Blah, blah, blah. And I went, nope. You know what? Nah, I'm not gonna let you say that. That's bullshit. Experiences don't teach us anything. We teach ourselves things through experience. So I'm not gonna sit here and say, like, yeah, I did, like watching my parents explode in a car, but it didn't teach me. Speaker A No, it taught me how exclusive cars are. Speaker C Two people can have the exact same experience, and one person can gain nothing from it, and the other person can gain the world from it. But that comes from within you. That doesn't come from the experience. Speaker A So you have to be willing to change based on what happens around you. Speaker C Have to do it. Speaker D You. Speaker C It comes from you going, okay, how can I prevent my, how can I take this next time and change it to make it useful for me? There has to be a way I can do this. Like, it's. It's your own optimism that makes those experiences worth having at all. So it's. It's not. Yeah, it's not like, oh, it taught me a lot about this. No, you taught you. And I don't, I think a lot of people still say that kind of stuff, so. No, give yourself the credit. You are. If you had a bad experience and you look back and go, you know what? I don't regret it. I would do it again. That's because you grew as a person. The experience was not a gift. That's my spiel. Speaker D Hmm. Speaker A I like that. I like not, not looking at trauma as a gift, but rather you yourself. Speaker C Yes. Speaker B Realization. Speaker C Yeah. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker C Attach it to your own resilience. Attach it to your own indefatigability. It's you that gained something from the experience, gave you nothing. Speaker A You can't use that. Speaker B Someone said, promised him a dollar every time he says it, every now and again. Speaker A I seriously think he gets a word of the day. Like, he's like. He stumbles on one in the dictionary. He's like, oh, I'm gonna use the fucking word. Speaker D Have you never done that, Paul? Have you never said, like, oh, man, I want to try to use this word in a conversation. Speaker A I don't know. When I was in fucking, like, high school, wanted to sound smart for the honeys, but, you know, I try to. Speaker D Slip the word automaton. Automaton conversations. Speaker C That word sucks. Speaker D I like it. Speaker A Automaton. Literally. Speaker C I've been using totemic recently. I like that. Speaker D Totemic. Speaker A I mean, it's cool, man. You want to expand your vocabulary. I was just, I thought it was funny. Speaker C I was trying to be grandiose here. Speaker A And be like, here we go. Speaker C The unyielding fire of the human spirit. And Paul's like, you said a big word. Our fucking, our two listeners that were on the brink of inspiration just kicked the stool out when Paul chimed in right there. Maybe Tyler's right up. Never mind. Speaker A You fucking nerd. Speaker C Yeah, exactly. Speaker A Break your glasses. Fuck you. Speaker D I wonder if that kind of. Also the whole idea of using trauma or what could be traumatic or an experience, like, I wonder if that's what leads people into, like, that's where the choice bifurcates, right? Where you're either making changes in your life to never experience that again or to grow from that or you slip into depression and. Right. Speaker A I'll be honest, what you just said sounded super redundant to what Tyler just said about the same thing. So I, you know, I didn't catch all of it. Anyways, you were chasing pussy around. Speaker D I sat back down to him talking about somebody choosing to go, Polly. Speaker C Oh, well, you heard everything after that. Is that the whole. That's everything? Robert's fucking drinking out the lunch, not playing fucking Mario party with himself. Speaker A Oh, it's amazing. Speaker D I'm still in my thoughts. Speaker B So I think in the most rudimentary sense, to answer your initial question, why do we pursue these relationships knowing that it's going to be just grief and depression in the end? Everyone just craves the companionship one way or another. There are people out there that just prefer to be alone. But I think it's just something that's hardwired into our psyche. It's a, it's a natural thing to want to find a companion. Speaker A It's part of our ribs. We're trying to get back together. Speaker B So, you know, it's just a way for us to, whether it's procreate or just stay sane, you know, we seek out the attention of others in some way, shape or form. Speaker D And a lot of people, like, I kind of. I kind of hate the fact that that is like one of the first things that I think about. Like when we adopted our cat, I was like, I wonder how long I'm gonna have her. Yeah, long enough. Speaker B Well, it's a trade off. I mean, with a dog you get this pure, unconditional love and with cats, you get that, oh, well, he likes me today kind of a thing, but. Speaker D Yeah, it's, it's something, it goes deeper than that. It goes personal relationships as well. It's not just pets, but it's just. Speaker B That, that need, you know, it's not a want for some people to need to be loved or to be even looked at. In a way, other than, oh, it's some passerby on the street. You got to have that attention, that affection to kind of keep you going forward. You know? Some people need it more than others. Speaker C Yeah, true. Speaker A I think it's electromagnetism. Speaker B Every shocking revelation. Speaker A Everybody's made of atoms, man, and atoms are drawn together. We just can't help it. It's. It's. It's deep in our, in our code, you know, like, it's. It's all just an electromagnetic force pulling each other together and maybe. Speaker C All right, anyways, so the number one cause of. Of the. As you know, Robert, we are, relationally speaking, we're the best that we've ever been in terms of medicine, right? We're the most apt to combat disease. We've made the best, biggest advances in technology and stuff like that. However, anyways, however, mental health is steadily on the decline in a huge way. It's getting worse and worse and worse. Suicide rates are going up. So we have all these astonishing triumphs in medicine, yet we're really missing something in the field of mental health big time. And I believe what that is is basically what Frank was saying. Connection. I think we're more disconnected than we've ever been, pretty much starting with COVID but I mean, of course, with social media and cell phones and stuff like that, too, people just aren't connecting, even as friends, as lovers, whatever. We're the most disconnected that we've been probably ever. And I think that is, that's what's doing the most damage. So, yeah, I think people need at least one friend. If you don't have a wife or a girlfriend or your family sucks or whatever, you need a friend. Like, pretty indisputably, there are times where. Speaker D I actually think we are more connected than others, and that's been part of the reason why we have or why we are aware of the issues that we are aware of now, like, because of the constant barrage of news and being. Speaker C That's not, that's not what I. But that's not connection, right. That's not why people are blowing their brains out is because they're. They don't have access to CNN articles. I'm saying real human connection, not connected to the external. Speaker B If you want to technology, you could say something like the search engine. Because rather than going and talking to somebody and saying, hey, how is this work? Or, you know, what do I do for this? They just go to the Internet and look it up and figure it out all on their own, as opposed to going out and having a social interaction and maybe even building a friendship from it. Speaker A I didn't want to do that to begin with. It gave me mad anxiety. Speaker B Technology has kind of harmed our social interaction in the recent years. Covid kind of spurred a good bit, too, because everybody was quarantined. Well, there's a great many people who were, I guess, lucky enough to be quarantined. Speaker A I wasn't. I had to work. Speaker B Yeah, same. But the flip side of that coin, though, is they became slaves to their own devices. Speaker D Yeah. Speaker C Yeah, they got used to isolation. They got used to, oh, maybe it's not so bad, bro. Do you know how good it was to. When I was filling out my paperwork for the urologist and it was like, please list any medications that you take. I was like, none. Na. And there was another page a couple. Couple pages later. It was like, oh, any medications? I went, nope, none. Speaker D Hmm. Speaker C It feels fucking awesome, dude. Speaker D Nope. Speaker C Default settings, baby. Default gang. Let's get it. We're in life raw style, bear, you know what I'm saying? Only medications that take a creatine and pussy, horribly unwell women that will ultimately hurt. Speaker A Sorry, that caught me way off guard. I was just kind of, like, zoned out. Like creatine and pussy. Speaker B Yeah, the way he said it, it was literally dripping out of his mouth. Speaker A And usually, you know, comedy comes in threes, but God damn it, he did it in two. Speaker D Oh, that's good. Speaker A Really got me. Speaker D That's really good. Speaker C I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. That's my, you know, my schizo thing, but it was just cool. I remember all those years of, like. Speaker A Writing concern medication anyway. Like, really fucking. Yeah, pretty much figure it out all natural. Speaker C I'm like, I'm not anti blood pressure medication, but I've known people. Speaker A You better fucking ride a bicycle or something. Get that blood pressure down natural. Speaker C But the people that are like, I sit inside and I don't exercise and I don't. And I eat like shit and I fucking. I don't get any sunlight and I don't have any friends and I don't have a purpose and I don't have any women that like me. I must need a medication. No. What do you mean? I need Zofran. Get the fuck out of here, bro. Come on. Speaker A I think I do my ADHD. I'm trying to take the B vitamins, but it is not helping. Speaker D No, that won't do anything on you. Speaker B Some people truly need the medication, but the vast majority are just given a prescription because the doctors are just too lazy to get to the root cause. But there are other people, like agoraphobics, for instance, who may rely heavily on medication just to get outside of their house, to get themselves well, whether it's physically or emotionally. Speaker A Because they're afraid of grass. That's crazy. Speaker D I want to know how many of those people as well, if it was something that just happened all of a sudden. Speaker A Sorry. Speaker D Or if it was like a decision at first, that if they had made a better decision, like getting out and, you know, getting some fresh air, as opposed to just locking themselves in the house, like. Yeah, I wonder if that fresh air. Speaker A Can kill you, Robert. Speaker C No, it can't. Speaker A It's oxidation. You're dying slowly. Speaker D Oh my God. Yeah. Speaker C What is it? Goraphobic? Fear of crowds. Fear of outside, fear of everything. Speaker A Just can't go outside. Just fear. I. You can't go outside. Speaker C Bros diagnosed with fear. Speaker A Yeah. So it's. Speaker B It's basically everything outside of your safety net. Speaker C Jesus. Speaker B Yeah. Speaker D I would think for somebody to get there though, something had to have happened, right? Like some. Speaker B No, some. Speaker D Probably some vent. Speaker B Some people become agoraphobic because they have an extreme isolation. So it won't be surprising in the least that we have a lot more agoraphobics after. Uh, Covid, it sounds kind of similar. Speaker C To psychosis a bit. Speaker A I mean, I. I would prefer to be home and away from people. I hate people. People aggravate me. Speaker D But yet you continuously get jobs that involve random. Speaker A It's very stressful because it's the only thing out anymore. It's the only thing that, like, I have experience with. And it drives me nuts. It's like. Well, the universe said fuck you to your anxiety, but, you know. But yeah, no, we don't hang it. I mean, you four are fine and Felicity's fine. Everybody else can fucking fuck off. I don't care. Speaker D Wait, you. Speaker C You said. You just said you four and Felicity. Speaker B He's talking about the ghost. Speaker D Oh, fuck. Speaker A Yeah. There's only three of you guys. Speaker C Is there a little chinese guy in your room with you that you're not? It's like your roommate. Speaker A You know what? I'll be honest. I was looking at the voice channel and I saw four circles. Speaker C Wow. Speaker A I forgot one of them was mine. Speaker B Paul's personality. Speaker C Jesus Christ. Speaker D I think we're getting to the bottom of what's really going on with Paul. And you're schizophrenic too? Speaker A Yay, I forgot. Speaker C I forgot. I don't want to derail if we're still into this but I forgot that I have the confession that Paul is going to be elated by. I forgot. Speaker A Oh, are you gay? Are you finally coming out? Speaker C Why would you specifically, unless you are also gay, why would you specifically be. Speaker A Don't worry about it. Speaker D Okay. Speaker B All right, so just let him dream, man. Just let him dream. Speaker C I'm trying to. I'm trying to actually remember. Speaker B Pop his level. Speaker C I'm trying to remember what sparked this. But one day, I just. I opened. I, like, cut on my ps five, and I redownloaded a game that I had tried once, and I was like, all right, you know what? I'm just gonna fucking play it for a while. And this is the only video game I've played, like, three or three months or whatever, ever since I started reading. I'm hooked, man. It's really good. I hate that I'm saying this. I love Yakuza. I've never said anything negative about Yakuta. Okay, good. I love it. And no man's guy. Yes, there are some come, you know, some complaints about the story and the whatever, but overall, I go, I'm having a really good time with the 2018 God of War on the PS four. Speaker A Oh, no. Speaker C I like it a lot. Speaker D Oh, no, that was the one that you made fun of at one point in time. Speaker A Are you going to play Ragnarok? Speaker C Not Ragnarok, the first one. Speaker D Yeah. Speaker A Yeah, but are you going to play Ragnarok now that you're. You're enjoying this one? Speaker C I don't know. Speaker A You got to finish the story, bro. Speaker C I'm loving it, though, man. I mean, I'm. I'm. I'm way into it. I just. I just killed the dragon. So I have, like, lightning arrows, and atreus can summon the wolves and stuff, and I go, this fucking rocks. Speaker A Have you found the ratatosker summon yet, the little squirrel? Speaker C No. Speaker A Oh, yeah. There's an island that you. It's just a little fucking island with, like, a half a castle on it. And it's a. It's a little squirrel summon. And he, like, digs up items for. Speaker C You that fucking rocks. Speaker D So is this. Does this make you feel any different about video games? Because I know you were kind of like, fuck video games. I'm not playing any of them ever again. It's just a horrible time. I'm just gonna read books. Speaker C So I don't think I was that harsh on it. Speaker A You kind of were a little bit. Speaker C I said, I just don't. They're not grabbing me anymore. Speaker A So really, what is it about this God of war game. Because I know it's not the. Hey, dad, you should look at this thing. Look at this thing, dad. Speaker C This is what, behind you. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker C God. Speaker A I know that can't be what you're enjoying because I hate shit. Speaker C So it's gonna. Part of it is very gay. Robert will appreciate it. Frank might. Paul, you'll have a fucking tampon aneurysm. The. And it's not what I'm about to say. The combat is actually. It's actually pretty good. Especially you start unlocking new combos on runic attacks, and I'm like, fuck, man. The combos. The combat's really good. Like, Atreus is doing combos with you and shit. Ah, it's. It fucking. It rocks, man. But what I'm really liking, I know in Ragnarok, Kratos is more of a giant pussy, but in this 2018 one, he's still pretty harsh, rough around the edges. Speaker A He's still kind of like that in Ragnarok. He has those moments. Speaker C Kratos is like the epitome of, he's like the ultra masculine, right? Like, boy here with me and, like, fearless and defends his home and defends his family, especially since he killed the. Speaker A Last one he had. Speaker C Yeah, brute power. Speaker A Spoilers for a 40 year old game. Shut up. Speaker C It's just. It's just the scene. The scene in the beginning when I restarted the game and I had seen this scene before, but when Balder, like, smacks him and he's just like, leave my, like, over. Speaker A Like, leans over the top of Balder, and it's just kind of. Of like being overly aggressive with his body language. Yeah, it's great. Speaker C I have to get hype when he's. When he's just like, you feel the anger coming through it and you're like, oh, dude, it's cool, man. Speaker A The biggest part of that game's selling point is that we saw the rage and the vengeance and the fury in the other three, five games. Whatever. This was more of an introspection of, like, the man before that. Like, the one that did have a family, had a daughter, had a wife, and then killed them all and had their ashes imprinted upon his skin. Like, that's gotta fucking eventually come around and bother you even if you're an immortal. So. Speaker C Yeah. Speaker A And that's 100% what 2018 God award is about. It's like, how do we transition from that range? Speaker C Kratos was always bothered by it. His whole. That's his whole tirade was him wanting those memories gone because he was racked by grief. Speaker A Yeah. And now it's about accepting those and moving on and creating something new. Speaker C Yeah. Speaker A True. Speaker C Which does rock. Which does rock. Speaker A And I think at one time I said that and you're like fart noise gay. And it is gay. Speaker C It is gay because I remember the original creator of God of War, like, got on twitter and he was like, hey, I just want to let you guys know I see how well the ragnarok is doing and stuff, but that just wasn't my vision for Kratos. Kratos was a bad person. That was. The whole point of this character is he was infinitely powerful, but he was ultimately selfishness or selfish to a self ruining degree. Speaker A He continues to get punished for that. Regardless. He's still a bad guy. Speaker C Yeah. Speaker A No happy ending. I mean, look, the game opens with him burying his new wife. Speaker C So, I mean, there is a happy ending at the end of Ragnarok. They basically, by the way, they shouldn't make another game. It's dumb that they're making another game. Speaker A Yeah, they should not make another one. Speaker C The ending to Ragnarok was perfect in my opinion. Speaker B Well, how are they gonna get to Christian Kratos? Speaker A Yeah. Speaker D Yeah. Speaker B They have to make another one. Speaker A He's gotta kill Moses. Speaker B That's right. Speaker D Or universe you'll be fighting. Speaker C I don't know, man. It's really cool stuff, too. Like, Atreus is this young, empathetic boy. They fight these people that they were just people and they kill him. And he's like, dad, I don't know how I feel about this. And he's like, close your heart to it. They are doing what they had to, so we must do what we must or whatever. And you're like, damn, dude. Speaker A He's trying to reason like a spartan, but then he realizes that he's going to just create another version of himself and he wants. Yeah, it's. Speaker C It rocks. Speaker A It rocks. Speaker C I'm enjoying it a lot. Speaker A Very narrow. Speaker C Yeah, I think I have like 20 hours into it. I'm playing the fuck out of it, dude. And it's beautiful too. Like when the world serpent shows up. That's epic. Literally is the word I would use for it. It's incredible when you kill the dragon and his mouth is open and Kratos is just standing there as the mouth falls on both sides of him. That's fucking crazy hard. So it's very cinematic. But of course, yeah. I don't like that. If there's 2 seconds of a puzzle. Dad, do you think you could freeze the water by throwing your axe at it. I go, wow, I'm a fucking retard. Thank you. Speaker A I hate that. Speaker C I hate that. Speaker B There were times I wish Kratos would just look at his ax and then look at his son and look at the axe. I kept waiting for that to happen with all the incessant nagging. Speaker A It's the. The nagging for puzzles and the like. Like, some of the stories they tell to each other are kind of entertaining, but, like, there is no downtime of silence, like, ever. Speaker B I thought somebody thought they dressed pretty well with the head, though. That was. That's pretty funny. Speaker A Well, they just gets. There's more talking with the head, but it's. Speaker B Oh, I thought, oh, it's snarky but annoying. Speaker C One of my first complaints, even when I picked this game up again and I was like, all right, I'm gonna give it another shot. After you beat Balder in the beginning, when you break his neck and he falls off, Kratos literally has his hand over his ribcage. He's. You limp back to the house. Now, from the time you start limping to the time you get back to the house, there should be nothing said. Let us think about. Holy fuck. Who was that? How does he know who we are? Speaker A He doesn't monologue the whole time. He outer, outer, inner. Speaker C He. From the time you start walking until the time you get back to the house, he goes, who is he? How did he know me? Freya, I'm not strong enough to carry your sons. Shut the fuck. Speaker B All things he should have been saying at that moment was, God damn, this hurts. Speaker C And that's not even Kratos. You know, Kratos would just bear it. Speaker B But the only thing that should come out of his mouth is some form of grunt or cough blood into the snow. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker B Something wholeheartedly. Speaker A That is a big problem with gaming. Like modern gaming. I think it's like protagonists that just can't shut the fuck up for 5 seconds. Speaker C It's like trust the player to be intelligent enough to engage with the art you're giving them. Speaker A Robert will argue with you. He'll die on that hill. That players need to have their handheld. I don't understand, Robert. Speaker C Is this true? Speaker A Yes, because. Speaker C Wait. Speaker A Because he thinks Johnny Gamer doesn't have time to try and figure out puzzles because they're just like sitting down for 30 minutes to play a game. I don't have time to figure out a puzzle. I need a handheld. Speaker B Or when they finally solve it, it makes it that much better. Speaker A I just. Speaker C Yeah, of course. Speaker A I don't understand full to a degree. I've had this argument with Robert multiple times. Speaker D It's occupied many minutes of the show. Speaker A Yeah. Game developers respect the average intelligence of gamers. Like, it's. Speaker C Yes, correct. Speaker A Fucking. It's ridiculous. Like, yellow ladders, yellow ledges, fucking atreus telling you all the puzzle things. Fucking geralt. Like, hmm, the wind's howling. Yeah, no fucking shit. I can hear the wind howling. Well, what if. Speaker B What if the game designers themselves are the type of people that need their hands held? Speaker A That's dumb. Speaker D If I remember right, my argument was just that you have to accommodate the lowest common denominator. But don't say. Speaker C Don't say, if you remember correctly. What is your argument now, you fucking schizo? Speaker D My thing is, is that, like, all four of us are coming from the position of somebody who has played games for a very long period of time, and we understand how they work. If I were to sit. Speaker B Don't give me that crap, man. Kids pick up shit way faster than we do. Speaker D I'm just saying, man, I have seen, like, Aaron sit down and try to play like a shooter, and it is entertaining. Speaker A Point and click. Speaker D Well, you would think that. Speaker C Wait, what's the. Okay, so what's your. Rob, what's your argument? Speaker D I'm just saying that the tutorial part, like, the overwhelming, like, hey, come over here and click on this, you know, shiny gold ladder. Whatever. It should be adaptive to the player. Speaker B Yeah, for the 40 year old player who's playing a game for the very first time in their lives. Speaker D Right? I'm. Dude, there's where I'm like, I have no idea where to go. What the hell do I do? Speaker A I'm supposed to use context or whatever. Speaker D I'm like, I'm looking up, down, left, right? I don't. Where do I go? And they're like, hmm, I should probably look over here. Like a little inner monologue thing or. Speaker A A little inner monologue shit. God, I hate it. Speaker D I'm like, finally. Yes, because I was about to just shut this off and uninstall it because it was just annoying. And it has some stupid, like, oh, there's a little sliver in the wall over here that your guy can, like, walk sideways through, but I couldn't see it because the angle that I was at. Speaker A But the thing is. Yeah. You didn't completely explore the room in a way that you could see things from every angle. You didn't use all your tools at your. At your disposal to solve the problem. You had to wait for somebody to tell you how to solve the problem. Speaker D There was no waiting. There was no. I didn't just, like, sit there. Speaker A I know. You sit there. Speaker D I'm just gonna wait for. Speaker A That's not what I said by. That's not what I'm saying. Wait. I'm saying you had to let someone tell you how to solve it, and. Speaker D That itself is a problem. Just uninstall it and just hurl it up. Speaker A Or you could have looked a little closer. Jesus. Speaker C There should just be a slider. There should be a slider. In any game that has a puzzle, and the little slider says retard mode. Click it on if you want, or not. Speaker D Exactly. Speaker A You know what I gotta say. I do. Speaker D When Paul was trying to tell me how to take down this stupid ship, no man's sky, I was like, I have no idea what it is. Speaker A I don't understand how you didn't see the fucking trenches. I assume you were on the wrong fucking side of the ship. There are. They're giant fucking trenches with giant fucking batteries through them. Speaker D There was a lot of shit going on. Speaker A God damn it. It's on the top part where the guns are. You're like, I don't see it. You're on another moon three fucking thousand light years away. I don't fucking know, man. God. Speaker D But that's what I'm saying, though, is everybody has, like, a just a little bit different way of approaching things, playing these games. So I think it should be adaptive or just giving you the ability to turn it off. Speaker A So. Speaker C No, that's so cool. Speaker A I will say there is some. There's a lot. There are some issues I'm having with the new Star wars game, but one thing that I'm really enjoying is, yes, it has yellow ledges, because it's a Ubisoft game, so, of course it does. But I was scrolling through the options today, and I saw a thing that said you could turn that off and make it more immersive. And I was like, huh, that's kind of fucking neat, I guess. And then also the fact that if you leave the main character, K vest, standing in a room in a puzzle, you can't figure out for, like, 2030 minutes, she will not say a fucking thing. Speaker C Good. Speaker A And I'm like, great. And I start actually pressing all the buttons, trying all the things. Like, I have to be able to get through here somehow. They wouldn't have led me up here. And I start using, like, the little sensory thing, or I start, like, looking with my binoculars, and it's like, oh, I was supposed to go up here and use a grappling hook. I just didn't see it from an angle that I was some developers chuckling. Speaker B That you just walked into some room that has no objective figure it out, and they're just laughing maniacally. On the other hand, it was something. Speaker A Like, I climbed up three cliff faces that were very obviously a path. And then I'm like, there's nothing up here. The fuck? They wouldn't have made a path up here. That's not how game design works. They don't make pointless paths. So I was like, it has to be something up here. And it took me a couple minutes and use the sensory thing, and then I looked up, and then I saw a branch that was supposed to use a grappling hook on. I'm like, oh, cool. And I didn't have to have k sit there and be like, hmm, I wonder if my grappling hook could be used for this. You know what I mean? Speaker C Like, just ruins the fucking. Speaker A I felt accomplished because I'm like, okay. I actually used all the systems the game has given me to figure this out. Speaker D So it's like that, though, where I honestly wonder, like, should I actually be playing video games? Because, like, I don't get that immersed. Speaker A I don't get that, like, oh, I get super immersed. Speaker D I know you do, but you're also like, I got autistic. Speaker C I get. I was getting pretty immersed in God of war with my headset on, man, especially in the cutscenes. And we're, like, in a really intense fight. Speaker D I'm not saying it's impossible, and it has happened before, and we kind of had this conversation. We were doing level select when you're just like, you have to choose something that means something to you. And I'm like, it's a. It's a game. I'm just wasting time on this. Like, I'm not. It's. It's not engaged with. Speaker C Engage with media meaningfully. Challenge. Robert cannot. What's your favorite movie? Fast and furious. Look, we get it, Rob, okay? Average media literacy. Speaker A What. What are things that actually mean anything to you? Do you get meaning from anything, or you just, like, non empathetic to. Speaker C Are you some kind of fucking psychopath? Speaker B He's an automaton. Speaker A He's an automaton. Speaker D Fuck. I knew it. Speaker C Let's kill him. With guns? Speaker A Not with guns. Speaker C Music. Move you, Rob? Speaker D Yes, definitely music. Speaker A Okay, so music. Speaker D Okay. Speaker C Do movies move you? Speaker D Yeah. Speaker C Okay. Speaker A But not video games. Speaker C Can't move you. Speaker D I didn't say can't and I didn't say don't never. But I'm just saying that it's very apparent to me that, like, the two of you, or maybe even the three of you get more out of it than what I do. It seems like. Like I play them because they're fun, but there's not fun. Just be done with it. And I just want to finish it. Especially if I'm coming up to, like, a puzzle and I can't figure out. Speaker C But you should look, Rob shouldn't feel that way. I'm gonna kill you with a fucking hammer. What I'm trying to say is that there has to be a time where Aaron was out of the house and you didn't have to work. And it was the perfect temperature outside. So you opened the window, and before you started this new game that you wanted to play, you were like, you know what? I'm gonna make myself a fucking homemade lemonade. And you kick back with your feet up. The window was open, the breeze was blowing in. It was a perfect temperature. You had a homemade lemonade and it was absolutely perfect. And then you played the game and enjoyed it and had fun, and you go, that's why I want you guys to play it, because it was one of the most memorable times of something nice that I've done for myself. Does that make sense? Speaker A You fucking say the exact thing either, Robert, just to be clear, I've never made lemonade. Speaker C And you hear the revolver click. You hear the fucking revolver click from my microphone. Speaker A The hammer drawer opens. Speaker D I was thinking about that the other day, though. I was like, I mean, I remember we did an episode where we were on camera and Frank was like, robert looks so dejected. Right? That's what it was. We were talking about this very thing. Speaker B Yeah. Speaker C No matter how many different ways we frame it, you. I don't get it. No, I don't get it. Doesn't it? No, no. Speaker A Playing video games with a sibling is fucking how? Speaker C How? Speaker A Tyler said something about how his friend and him would suggest games and they go to GameStop and fucking pig shit or fucking Robert. Speaker C It could be something like the merchant sounds like your brother. Yeah, that's it. Speaker A It could be that. It's like, oh, my God. I stumbled across NPC that looks like Robin Williams in breath of the wild. And it reminded me how much I miss and love Robin Williams. Speaker C Yeah. I just. Any fucking nothing? Yeah, it's anything. Speaker D Robert's just like MLB, the show. Speaker A I like baseball. Speaker B But you know what? He might. That might be his connection. He likes to play it because of what it. Speaker A We played fucking Omurdae. Speaker D So, God, that also might have been the first moment. Speaker C Would it have been smarter to say that when we're picking the games for level select, they have to be linked to a memory? Is that. Would that be better? Speaker A Dude, there's no way you can spin this at hill. Like, Robert, he doesn't have the emotional capacity to deal with these things. Speaker D I think this is also kind of getting into the whole, like, introspective thing that I was talking about beforehand because I realized that there's a lot of things that I've done, a lot of friends that I have, just because, like, I have this, like, chameleon almost, like, thing. It feels like. I don't know, like, a lot of times it feels like the group that I'm with, I don't. I shouldn't be there. Like it for some reason. Speaker A Do you only play games because play games? Is that what it is? Like, you don't really want to play games. You just do it to appease the group? Speaker D I wouldn't even say that, but it seems like the games that I like to play are just completely. Not even in the ballpark of, like, I'm playing fucking, like, simulators and shit. You know, like, just number go up, brain go burr. The way Tyler puts it, you know, when we're talking about games specifically, but, like, even with the people that I hang out with, that music was the common connection. And he was like, I wasn't really good at it. I did it. I don't know. It just seems like if you were to say, robert, take this quiz and just figure out who you are at the very base, like, your very core. I don't know what it would come out with. Speaker A I think party. Speaker C I don't know if anybody would have a good answer for that. It's not really something worth getting hung up on. Speaker A I don't think we were putting too much pressure on Robert. Speaker D It just. It does seem like that. And it's not just the three of you. It's in every, like, group that I have that I seem to be, like, cursory, like, just slightly tangential to whatever the. The main. Speaker B Like, this is your show, but do you feel. Do you feel obligated to fall in line and people please. Speaker D A lot of people please like a motherfucker. Speaker A Robert, you started this podcast. This is your show. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, you're not inconsequential by any means. If we didn't have you, nobody would edit the fucking episode. Speaker D That's true. That's true. I'm just saying, like, not even. So, I guess really, this is the most, uh, tangible things belonging that I would have or that I. That I think that I would have, but. Speaker A Oh, that's good. Speaker D I'm not even saying that I don't belong in those groups. I'm just saying that I'm not as invested in whatever the common thing is. It seems like. Speaker A So did you not enjoy your sports d and d thing you did the other day? Speaker D My sports d and d thing? Speaker A Yeah, you said fantasy. You were doing fantasy. Speaker D Oh, fantasy football. I do that because it's fun, but I don't watch football, like, at all. I sign into the app on Friday and set my lineup and just like, all right, well, I hope ears to hoping that it does well. Speaker A Amazing. Speaker D But that's. Speaker B The numbers go upside. Speaker A So you having a gambling addiction is what you're trying to tell us? In a not so obvious way. I got you. Wink, wink. Speaker D Seriously, the best part of that is that we all together at Buffalo Wild Wings and do the draft, like, in person. That's the best part. Speaker C Did you know Buffalo Wild Wings cooks their wings in beef tallow at rocks? Speaker D I did not. Speaker A I did not know that. But I go there, so that's pretty. Speaker C Much one of the only places that still does that. So it's really cool. Speaker A They keep, like, on and off fucking me over, though. Speaker C Well, that's because you keep being racist to the waitresses. Speaker A Like, I go there, and then they give me this, like, steaming hot, giant, juicy piece of chicken for on the. Can I get the chicken sandwich? And then the next time I go, I'm like, man, that. That was really good last time. I'll get that same thing, and they'll come out with these dry. Speaker D When you go to buffalo wild piece of chicken, you're like, I want a sandwich. Speaker C Do you guys have cheesecake? Speaker A I want a buffalo chicken sandwich. Speaker D It's wings, my man. Wings. Speaker A I'll get wings later. I want a buffalo chicken wings place. I'm sorry. Speaker C Go to chick fil a if you want a chicken sandwich, you savage. Speaker A But the buffalo wild wings. Buffalo chicken sandwich is fucking amazing, and I love it. Speaker D Paul, you would be the guy that would travel to Philadelphia, go to, like, the mecca for Philly cheese steak sandwiches, and you'd be like, give me a hot dog. Give me a sandwich. Speaker C Can I have a hamburger? Speaker A Yeah. Speaker C Do you guys have water? Speaker A I'm sorry. They have more things than wings. I do want to try that chicken hot dog thing. They've got, though. Why do they put other things on the menu if it's only wings? Speaker D Because they understand a lot. Like the people that do tutorials in games. That people are stupid. Speaker B That's fickle. Speaker D Fickle very much. Speaker A Fucking terrible. Terrible. All of you picking on me about chicken sandwich. What was I gonna say? Something about. Oh, yeah. Speaker C I have a good. I have a good question. Speaker A Okay, cool. Speaker C For my. All three of you are meat eaters pretty heavily, right? Yeah. Okay, this is gonna sound crazy. And I've been. Speaker D Sucks. What? Speaker A That's how it goes. Speaker C Of course. Ham's pork sucks. Let's be real, okay? I love Hamdan, and I've been eating a lot of different steaks recently. Okay. From different places, different cuts. I'm about a medium rare guy, preferably medium medium rare. But I have tried three different steaks from three different establishments, and I have come to the conclusion that ribeyes suck. Dude. Ribeyes blow. Speaker D Oh, my God. Yes. Yes. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker D You agree to yes? Aaron and I, we went to Longhorns the other night. Not last night, but night before, and she got the rib eye. This is a cut that she likes. And I was like, I just. I can't. I can't do it. It's too. I understand. Speaker C They suck. It's a 16 ounce ribeye, and you get 8oz of meat. Speaker D That's true. Speaker C It takes four years of your life. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker C Why? Speaker B It all depends on the cut. And if you go to some chain restaurant, you're never going to get a good cut of ribeye. Speaker A I was about to say, I don't remember which grocery store I went to, but I got a pretty decent cut of ribeye with, like, not that much fat on it. Speaker B So the reason why people like Ribeye over a sirloin, for instance, is because of the. The ribbons of fat in the meat, because that adds extra flavor to the beef. Now, you get a piece of ribeye that's just got way too much fat on it then. Yeah. You're paying more for the fat than anything else. But if you find the right cut, it's sublime. It's. It's like, prime. It just melts in your mouth. Amazing. Speaker D I feel like just melting, like, the flavor of it was. So we have a butcher that's near here. It's called Rusty's meat market and is awesome. And I've had rib eyes from there. It is a. You know, they go out come market. Speaker A My do everything. Speaker D Like, you can't get closer to the source than this. Right? Great cuts of meat. Fantastic. Had a river ribeye from there felt the same way. If it taste was, taste was all right. Taste was good, whatever. But I personally prefer a New York strip that's. Speaker C I don't think I've had that. Is that the same thing as a sirloin? Speaker A I just like steak. Speaker B New York strip is adjacent to. Speaker A Just put a whole cow on a rotisserie? Speaker B Yes. It's kind of wrapped in fat, so. But it's a hard fat. Speaker D It's like, I want to say my favorites. Speaker C A filet mignon. Speaker D Filet mignon. Yeah, filet mignon. Speaker C Filet mignons are banging. Speaker B But honestly, beef tenderloin is probably the best, softest cut of meat you'll get out of a cow. Speaker C So I'm a big sirloin guy too. They're super lean. I mean, they're a little tougher, for sure, but I don't know. I like a good sirloinous. Well, it's all. Speaker D I like the texture of that. Like, the super softness of the rib eye. I'm just like, whatever. Speaker C Prime ribs banging too, dude. Yeah, prime ribs. Really good. There's a steakhouse right here on highway 60 called Jesse Steakhouse, and that's, like, their thing. And my dad got prime rim, and I got filet mignon, and I was like, oh, my God. Speaker A Do you guys think that with, like, the context clues we've given over 90 something episodes that people could figure out where we all live? Speaker C Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Speaker B They already know where I live. Speaker C I fucked six of our viewers. Six of our listeners, I should say. I've had sex with six of them. Speaker A Yeah, I was just thinking about that when you were, like, off us. Whatever the fuck you said to the. Speaker B Point of, you know, cuts of meat. Any cut of meat can taste really good. It's. It's all how it's prepared, and then after that, it's just a matter of what kind of consistency. Like, like you said, rob, if it's too chewy or soft, you might not like it. Some people might love that, though. Speaker D Yeah. Speaker A I will all cannot stand chewy state. Like, where I'm just chewing it, chewing it, chewing it, chewing. Like, oh, my God. Speaker D Fuck, yeah. Speaker C Sirloins are that way a lot, especially. Speaker D If it's, like, overcooked, I feel like is that way. But I will also say slightly controversial filet mignon. Overrated. That's just me. Speaker A Overrated. Speaker D It's overrated. The price to portion ratio is just. It's not. It's not good. Speaker C I don't care about that. But compared to what cut is better. Speaker D The strip, my dog, strip. Speaker B I disagree. Speaker C I knew there would be some. I knew there was to be some polarization in here. Speaker B But to Rob's point, he doesn't like the meat as soft. The tenderloin is buttery soft. So the New York strip is a little bit firmer. And if you get the right ribbon in it, it's. Or marbling. It's got really good flavor to it. Speaker D Love it. Speaker A Y'all know too much about meats, man. I just eat the show. Speaker C I would love to get you guys down here, too. Speaker D Give me the hungry man microwave. Speaker A No, man, I mean you. If I. If I think back to my childhood growing up, it's like, what's for dinner? And it's like steak. And they don't tell you what kind of steak. They're just like, steak. You just eat it. Speaker B Fucking swanson salamari steak. Speaker A So, like, you guys are over here with your fucking monocles and top hats. I prefer the just eat a fucking meat, man. Speaker C All eating, fucking two weight watchers, tv dinners in a bag of orville fucking popcorn. They keep going. Exquisite. Speaker A You guys always better than me. Speaker D We haven't talked about this yet. The absolute best steak that I have ever had, though, was venison. Speaker C I bet. Speaker D Delicious. Speaker C I love venison. Speaker A Venison. Speaker C Unfortunately for you, Robert, you're not supposed to be eating it as a type a, aren't you? Speaker D I thought that was Frank, are you typo? That's in the midway. Speaker C You should think so. Speaker D I'm pretty sure. Speaker C Frank, are you typo? Speaker D No, he and I are type a. You're both a fuck fish, that's all. Speaker C Damn. Speaker A I like fish. Speaker C I'm typo over here. Speaker D Thriving blood. Speaker A I don't want your blood. Speaker D Yeah, you really shouldn't want my blood. Speaker C Paul, what's your blood type? You don't know, right? Speaker A I've never found out. Speaker D It's. Speaker A I've got medical records over here, so. Speaker C You'Re not gonna find. You're not gonna find it. I do love that. If you call your doctor's office and go, hey, you've been my doctor for nine years. What's my blood type? And they go, we don't know. I go, oh, we don't have it. Speaker D Sorry, it's not a. I don't know, does it just. Speaker C You could recreate me in a lab, but you don't have my blood test. Speaker A Actually, I don't know where my medical forms went. I'll have to find them. Speaker C That's good. Speaker A I thought they were in my filing cabinet. They're not. Speaker C Oh, there's a place I would love. I would love if we. I know this probably won't happen for a while, but there's a place that I like to go to near work called Kura and it's revolving sushi and. Speaker A Oh, that's what you sent us pictures of the other day. Speaker C It's definitely big enough for the four of us. And, bro, we would. So. So here's the thing. Every little sushi thing comes on its own plate. And every five plates that you deposit gets you, like, a little video will pop up where you have to help, like, Minamaru, who, like, get the wasabi recipe back. And the more plates you give, you get new videos. And then you get, like, a gacha machine will drop pods down of pride. I was like, we all four. If all four of us were there, we would fucking clear. We clear 100 plates. We would clear so many fucking plates. Speaker D Let's, uh. So let's change. Paul, I'll come and pick you up, and we'll just go down to Tyler's place for episode 100 and just eat sushi. Yeah, we would. Speaker C We would go nuts, man. That plate. Speaker A Oh, I'm down. Speaker C A place is so good. Tyler, you got slutty 16 ounce Sapporo. Oh, God. Speaker A I'll have to open a tab with Tyler to buy me sushi. Speaker C What do you mean me? Why me? Because one right now, I go, man, I should really be saving my money. And I go, ooh, a $46 fucking filet mignon. Okay. Speaker D All right. Speaker A Yeah. Well, at least you can afford that. God. Speaker C Just knock my headset off on accident. Rock editing that out? Speaker D Yeah, that's no problem. I've dealt with Paul for two years, which, by the way, I wanna. Hey, you know what, though? I wanna make it official. I don't know if I did, like, last week or the week before, but, Paul, you've been exceptionally good. You've been a good little boy. Speaker A Not this episode. Not this one. I've been rolling around in my chair. I've been tweaking. I've typed a few times. I don't know if you've heard it. This episode. I've been bad. Speaker D I've been all happy and stuff. Like, the worst one's been Frank. And I'm like, this. What is this? I don't understand. Speaker A Well, Frank's got his little twilight zone. Speaker C Little half cena bite, half dog that fucking attacks the door. Speaker A Holy shit. Hellraiser fucking references. Jesus. Speaker C Yeah, you gotta pull out some good ones. Speaker D Who the fuck. Speaker A Still talking about that shit. Speaker C Oh, did you guys see alien Romulus, by the way? Speaker A No. Won't you, though? Speaker C I heard that. I heard the ending is crazy. Speaker A I really want to watch it just because of all the practical effects that they brought back. And I was like, yay. Speaker C I think it's weird that those movies are getting more and more sexual and nobody seems to care. Speaker A They've always been sexual. Have you never seen more? Speaker C Is what I'm saying. They're getting more like, there's a scene with the facehugger where it's literally just like, throat fucking somebody. Like, so everybody goes, when? Who cares? I'm like, okay. Speaker A They've always been that way. Speaker C That's getting weirder. Speaker A Always been there. Speaker C But you try to tell somebody that, man, the alien movies are getting more sexual or getting weirder. And they go, what? What are you talking about? It's like, okay, all right. Speaker A It's like, we know why you're nothing really, watching this. That's gotta be somebody's porn. You know Ron Zanus? Yeah. See, Frank's the fucking director. Obviously. Speaker C It's more like the director. Speaker D You guys remember the. The first set of tits you saw in a movie? Speaker A That is random. Speaker C Oh, Starship troopers. Starship troopers. Speaker D Oh, yeah, starship troopers. Speaker C Good one. Speaker B Hang on. I gotta make sure that's the name of the movie. Speaker D Holy. I don't remember which one was first, but it was either police academy or species, and I don't know why. Species? Speaker C Those movies were weird. Speaker A Wait, but police academy or. No. Yeah, species is old. Nevermind. I was thinking of something else. Speaker C Yes. Maybe splice. Speaker A Yeah, I think I was getting confused with spice. Thank you. Speaker C Dang the shit out of that alien. That rocks. Speaker A I gotta say, for me, it was probably a Friday the 13th movie. I don't know which one, but it was probably one. Speaker D Yeah, just. Speaker C There's a lot in those two. Speaker B Just one of the guys. That was the name of it. Speaker C Remember the first titties you saw in your life? Speaker A Like, in real life? Speaker C Yeah. No, obviously family excluded. Obviously family excluded, you fucking dog. Speaker A Yes. Speaker D Yeah, I remember. Speaker A I was 13, dude. Speaker C That's how old I was. Speaker A And her name was Robin. She quite that out? Speaker D I'm not about to duck that out. The first name. All right, mine was. I was 18 and what? Yeah, I was Amberland. Speaker C Damn. I was twelve. I was twelve. And I was at my own. My own birthday party. And this girl I'd had a crush on. Who? She was like 14. She like, came up out of the pool and her top was off. And I remember going, yeah, that's pretty. Speaker A Much exactly what happened. Speaker C My little brain got fried. Speaker A Except Robin was, like, 20 and a g cup and what the fuck? Yeah. Speaker C Oh, that set the precursor for your little brain. Speaker A Oh, it did. I was like, uh, hello, how did this. Speaker B I was. When I first saw it. Speaker A Damn. Speaker B Frank's kid. My brother's seven years older than me, so I can thank him for it because his girlfriend. And she's just an exhibitionist, apparently, and just thought it was funny to flash. Speaker A To flash an eight year old. Speaker D Yeah. Speaker A Yep. Speaker B Yep. Speaker A Wow, man. We've all lived very exciting lives. Speaker D Very different lives. Oh, man. It's true. Frank, what do you think the chances are that either Paul or Tyler ever watched the squiggly showtime channel hopes to see a titty squiggly showtime to see. Speaker B They don't even get the reference. Speaker A So he's talking about the shit on, like, satellite fucking two. Go through the fucking adult channels and shit. Speaker B Yeah, he's talking about, like, the old late night cinemax. You like the channel and you kind of make ads in the. Speaker C Oh, I never did that. Speaker A I did that. I'd get up at in the middle of the night and sneak downstairs and go through the adult channels. I did that. Speaker C I would stay up. I would say up late enough to where they would run the ads for girls Gone Wild, and I would watch those over and over and over and over and go, oh, my God. I don't even get it. I don't even get it yet. What all are we going? Speaker A Pretty sure my grandfather had the, like, playboy channel active at one point because I remember waking up at three to pee and looking out in the living room and seeing that he had. Speaker C That rules. Speaker A That's great. Speaker C Cooking your adolescent brain. Speaker A Yeah. Speaker D Good times. Good times. Speaker A It's great. Speaker D All right. Speaker A Tv's great. Speaker D This has been a very weird. Speaker A I. Yeah, it is, man. Fucking, yeah. Speaker C What should we call this? We went from depressing to horny. Speaker A Depressing, introspective gaming titties. Speaker B Quagmire. Speaker C Depressive, introspecting gaming titties. Dig tea. Speaker D Dig. Taming titties. Speaker A Oh, my God, dude, I fucking can't stand Robert. Speaker C Before we wrap the episode up, have you read any more of the book or do I need to kill you with a hammer? Speaker D No, I have. Speaker A Robert, read your homework. God. Speaker D Yeah. Speaker C Yeah. True. How far in are you? Speaker D Like, the third chapter? Speaker C Okay. Okay. Speaker D Yeah, it's. Speaker C So we're talking page 19, you fucker. I'm looking at it right now. Speaker D Very busy. I live a very busy life. Speaker A I leave one slerg and flicking burgundy. Speaker D All right. Unless, Tyler, you want to talk about the book? Speaker C Nah. Nah. Speaker A All right, we'll talk about it. Goodbye, everybody. Shut the fuck up. Speaker C Tyler. Speaker A Interrupted my fucking exit. Speaker C He asked me a question. You Deejen, you fucking canaanite. Speaker D It. Speaker C Got robbed. Speaker A Oh, God.