Where the fuck is Frank? So I messaged Frank. I texted him, like, the other day, especially when you pointed out the fact that he's been kind of persona non grata lately. I don't know what that word you just said is, but I'm assuming it's missing in action. Persona 9 Grata. Context clues missing in action is what I'm gonna well, I think it is most literal is a person not welcome, but that's not that's not what I mean, of course. Yeah. That sounds stupid. Why would you say that? I don't know. Because I used to think it meant, like, just disappeared, ghosted, or left or whatever. Anyways, are you recording? I'm recording. Fucking fool. I've been recording. I've been recording the whole time ranting about rock stars' bullshit authentication process. Alright. We continue. Okay. Okay. But yeah. No. I messaged him, and he said he's just kinda laying low, and didn't want to burden anyone with his woes. And low. That's what we're here for, to be burdened with woes. We're woe burdened. We listen to fucking Tyler's bullshit all the time. Why? And we listen to your bullshit all the time. Hey, mine is not bullshit. Mine are legitimate concerns for the future of our friendship, America? I don't know. Something. But the point is, I may or may not be dying, so I have it. You're always dying. You've been dying for, like, I don't know, the past 15 years. Oh, my gosh. I can't sneeze or cough right now because it irritates the pain in my neck. Yeah. That's like that's how bad of a crick in the neck I got the other day. It's like I still can't sneeze or cough without it, like, shooting pain down my neck and into my shoulder. So you're a pain in the neck? Yeah. It literally is. I have to do a careful cough where I tilt my head up and then to the left a little. And That's just it's a it reminds me of the whole, like, turn your head and cough with the finger in your ass. Exactly. Which, thankfully, they don't need to do it anymore. So they don't throw your head and cough with their finger in your ass. Is that not what it is? No. It's like a physical when they're grabbing you by the testicles to make sure blood flow is correct. I thought that was a part of the prostate exam. No. The prostate exam is bend over, and they just fucking, like, they finger blast your cornhole. And I did hear they no longer put the finger up the button. I'm so glad to be under 40 and have that happen. I am Yeah. I'm like, he's way When I hit 40, Aaron was just like, you know what that means, don't you? And I was like, no. The fucking don't. No. The old don't. The TSA is more intrusive than doctors now. Yeah. Yeah. So for anybody listening to this, yeah, you don't have to go through that anymore. So if you're a male, and you're creeping on 40 or above 40, you don't have to worry about that anymore unless you have reason to believe that there is a history of it like family history or if you have other markers like in your blood or just Or if you're peeing uncontrollably. No. It's not uncontrollably uncontrollably if it's over controlled, like, you can't pee. Over controlled. Well, then what does it mean when you're peeing too much? If you're peeing too much? Yeah. They just have renal issues. Like, she's having a small bladder. Or you have a small bladder. Right. Exactly. But, yeah, the whole thing that they check for with the prostate exam is if your prostate is swollen, and it surrounds the urethra. So if it's swollen, it closes it off. So, like, what happens is in the middle of the night, your bladder is so full because you haven't pissed in, like, 14 days, and it's just I'm coming through no matter what. And it's just. Yeah. Well, hello, everybody. Welcome to Kettle of Fish, where we're talking about coming like a garden garden hose or something. Yeah. Yeah. That's the way I understand it, at least. But, you know, what do I do? I do. I also thought turning your head and coughing was a part of the process. That's a physical one. That's in you. You had nutsack. Yeah. Can I speak to those that I've had before? Radio. I've had that test twice. What? A physical? Yeah. That specific one where they Pretty pretty normal, you know, especially when you're a teenager, which is the worst because you're It is. Yeah. They get physical to go play sports and shit, and then the lady daughter comes in and grabs you by your boys, and you're just like, oh. I never did that. Well Your hand is so old. Is it if you play sports for your school, or is it, like, rec ball too? Because I played rec ball. And I don't I don't think it's I don't know. It might be for the school. I don't remember having to do a physical for the wrestling team at school. Now there's gonna be enough people grabbing your balls for that one. Yeah. But when I was, when I played baseball, I I had to get it but that was outside of school. Like, I did, like I don't remember. It was like, little league. See, I I Whatever. Whatever. I played wrecking ball, which was basically like little league, but I did not have to have that type of accuracy. I don't think it was called little league. It was whatever's above little league. Oh, like Dixie League? I don't know. We were in, like, middle school. So Yeah. I think that's Dixie. Yeah. Wait. Turn South in Dixie. Now the two times that I had that type of exam, one was to get the job that I got hired on with the hospital. That's a weird thing to get hired at a hospital for. Why do you need to take a physical exam? We're gonna have to, I guess it's to make sure you're not gonna be spreading diseases around the home. I don't know. What? But I thought it was weird. That is very weird. I did. I thought alright. So before we can hire you for this MRI job where you're not touching anyway, we're gonna have to do a physical. Yeah. I guess I just wanted, like, a legit, like, full on physical. I want to because I know they have other requirements too. Like, you should be able to move and bend over and lift this x number of weight and blah blah blah blah blah. But you know, I've had other stuff like that too. But Yeah. Walgreens had those same specifications, but they didn't fucking made me They didn't make you drop your pants? They didn't, they didn't fondle my nautilgangers. You know? And if I go to town on me, That would be like grounds of fucking sexual assault, I feel like. That's No. Not if it's in a professional setting so far that I've had. Yeah. So far, they're just keeping records. They make a plaster mold in the back you don't know about. This is just a memory from his finger. Yeah. He's got, like, photographic field memory. He just holds up his fingers like, well, it went this far down. God, where's Tyler and Franklin? I know. Right? I miss you guys. How, how , how, man Tyler would really enjoy ball talk? I'm just saying. He would. Be all No. Yeah. So that was the first one. That was well, that was the second time I had that exam. The first exam was because I thought I had ball cancer. So Ball cancer. That was fun. Calm down, Randy. Yeah. Yeah. That's fucked, man. Although I was commended by the doctor. Symptoms do you show from ball cancer? There was a bump on the ball. Probably a swollen vein or something? No. No. No. No. No. Not there wasn't this one. They're they they just determined that it was, like, essentially a mole on the ball. Yeah. It wasn't a mole. It was under the skin, but it was like Well, welcome to Kettle Fish where you're learning super super personal things about us today. That's our topic. Yeah. Yeah. There we go. Fucking I don't know what the so the topic that I thought about or that was on the list to do was Frank's topic. Oh, but we're doing the umbrella topic thing that you suggested. Yeah. Did you even listen to the last? I didn't think so. I haven't had time. I've been doing 3 d modeling and going to Georgia and everything. You could listen while you're modeling. I really can't. Time. It would literally Or while you're driving I can't listen to It was, like, 40 minutes. So I can't listen to podcasts. It's literally when everybody does. That's me but I'm, do you think I'm everybody? I listen to the same 4 songs every day. I I I yeah. I do as well. I can't confirm that Tyler has what's the word? Buried the lead. Tyler Tyler has been successful in his mission. Oh. When he came to his lady friend. Well, that's why we don't have him. Which lady friend? Hold on. Which what? So you and he broke up from 1, Yeah. Went on to the other. Right. But then there was another one he was talking about too. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Now our pieces are I need to check-in on that, I guess. I need to ask him about that. He hasn't mentioned much about her. Yeah. That's right. Because he had that coffee date. Then he said everything went well. Right? I don't fucking know, dude. I I don't keep track of his personal life. I just like you guys seem to be really interested in his personal life, and I'm just like, okay. No. He's he's he's brought up to us. Burying his bones and everything. So, you know, But no, man. That's cool. As long as he's happy, man, I don't care or whatever. Yeah. Whatever floats your there, my guy. No. I think he'll be, I think he'll be just fine. Yeah. Probably. I was like, oh, man. I like topics and stuff. Like, there hasn't been a ton on my mind, I guess. I've just been sort of spacing. Do we wanna go for the, what's what's hot right now type thing and talk about the attempted assassination of President Trump? You know, and that really pissed me off, because you guys said you talked about hatua last time or whatever. Hell, yeah. We did. The name of the show was the hak'tua effect. Every single fucking person on the planet is talking about it. I'm just like, oh, lord. But you know what, though, we were talking about, like, around it, but you wouldn't know because you didn't listen. Okay. But I mean, like, every podcast, every like, Joe Rogan's fucking talking about it. Like, it it is all over the fucking place. And I was just in an interview with her, and she was just like, I don't want that to be what I'm known for. Like, it's my fault. That's actually late. The sale, but, not so I mean, talking about current events, man, that just it fucking kills me because, of course, everybody's gonna be talking. Everybody's making jokes already about the Trump attempted assassination or whatever. But Yeah. I did find it really funny that the picture of the shooter looked a lot like this meme that I was shown off, like, that classic outraged liberal shouting at Trump with a gun. And I'm just like, god. That dude looks just like her. The best part about it is that I gotta find that meme. The fact that, by all accounts, he was, like, very conservative. Yeah. Which is Right. And he, like, pulled a gun. And it's like, god, this isn't helping anybody's argument. He used a rifle that his dad bought in, like, 2013 legally. He was kicked off or actually he was rejected from the high school rifle squad or rifle team because he was such a bad shot. Yeah. I don't know, man. Every picture I've seen of him is just like, oh, you kind of give, like, Jeffrey Dahmer dump the place. Did you see the I I will talk about the other angle shot where, like, someone's watching the sniper? And you, like, you can see how the sniper reacts to, like, taking out the shooter? No. I have not seen that. I saw a picture of the Secret Service sniper, like, on top of the roof or whatever and then him reacting. That's when the shooting began. No. This guy, he looked up from his scope. Like, he was, like, double he had to double take. He was, like, wait a minute. Oh, yeah. Like, this is really happening. Yeah. And then he looked back, shot, and then you hear the shooter's 2 shots after that. It's like the sniper shot first. Like, he took that dude. He was ready. That motherfucker was like, is that a gun, motherfucker? He shot first. Yeah. The sniper shot first. That's what it sounds like in the footage I saw of it. Anyway Oh. I mean, you see a gun at a fucking rally for a president that's probably had a 1,000,000,000 death threat. That is not one of the guys that you know to be secret service. Yeah. You're just like, well, that's that's not that's not supposed to be there. Yeah. No. So that's like, man, I don't know how much Trump is paying that dude, but he needs to pay him more. The secret I'm pretty sure is America's taxpayer, not Trump. Well, then we need to pay that guy. No. We don't. We don't need to pay anybody anything. I did also see the video. Well, there's 2 things about it. First off, I think it's absolutely hilarious and probably the best PR ever, aside from just surviving at all, when he is just like, hold on, let me get my shoes. And then he takes the time, takes a moment to, like, fist pump the air. And it's just like, you're not going to take me out that easily. And my favorite bit is that it was a piece of glass from the fucking teleprompter. Oh, yeah. I heard it too. There wasn't even a bullet. It wasn't the bullet, the grazer. It was a piece of glass. That is a detail. Honestly, if I were Trump, that is a detail I would absolutely keep buried as far as possible. It's too late. Like, no. It's a bullet. It was a bullet. Oh, wow. By my head. I mean, we could make it because I was even there, like, a screenshot or something of it, like, of a streak in the air. It's supposed to have been like, this is the picture of the bullet as it passed on this year. Know, man. It is because I've seen some Shattered Glass stuff, and I would and I also like I thought it was funny. The first time I heard someone talking about it, I was like, oh, here come the theories. Here comes the fucking conspiracy. I can't tell you how many times I've heard somebody say like, oh, he probably paid him to do it. And just to give him more publicity or my favorite was a picture of Hillary looking kind of befuddled. And she's just like, what do you think he missed? If the kid wasn't a kid, like, if he wasn't fresh out of high school and if he had He's, like, 20. Right? Yeah. Something like that. But it's like, if he wasn't a kid and if he wasn't if he didn't shoot somebody else also and wasn't killed, I would feel there's so much more validity to the conspiracy theories. But Oh, yeah. But, like, he wasn't even close to Trump. You know what I mean? Like, he was, like, 400 and some of me. Yeah. So it's just like I saw I saw a comment from somebody who was just, like, fucking casual 400 meters, and you couldn't hit him. Right. And then he was just like, I'm not happy about the shooting. I just hate poor marksmanship. Right. I mean, you really think about it. We've gone downhill in marksmanship, Eric. It hit a moving target from an elevated position on a probably windy day in Texas. You know, from how far away was Oswald? Oh, probably 400 meters or 4 no. Not 400 meters. Probably 400 yards, maybe. Motherfucker hit a teleprompter. Lee Harvey Oswald hit an impossible headshot from behind. Twice. He hit twice. If you wanna follow the official story, the official account of it. That to me is insane. Like, I still think about that stuff. Like, no. That was, like, the biggest conspiracy on the planet. Yeah. But I love that conspiracy. We've talked about that before because I asked you what your favorite conspiracy was. And mine is anything surrounded by Kennedy. Well, I mean, that whole era, like, just of what what, 2 years after that was Malcolm x, and then 5 years later was Martin Luther King. Like, man, motherfuckers are out here just shooting dudes. Oh, my God. I was trying to look up how the distance was. Oh, okay. 2 meters was like 500 yards. Yeah. So. Like, a 100 yards further than, oh, boy, with Trump. And he hit a teleprompter and another guy. Yeah. Of course, granted, he was a 20 year old with no military experience. Oswald was a marine. Oh, that's probably the first rule of being a marine is you have to be a master marksman. Like, you have to be. Like, that's a legit thing. I think that's the thing that bothers me the most about conspiracy theories about JFK. It's like, oh, it could have been Oswald. That's an impossible shot for a normal person. I'm like, was he normal? He wasn't a normal person. I listen. There are things that are very weird and don't quite check out. He was the Chris Kyle of the seventies, man. Only Chris Clark Chris Kyle was a hero, but okay. Is he, though? Yeah. Do we wanna argue that fact? How many children and women did Chris Kyle kill? Oh, god. Yeah. He had, like, 6 100 Just because they got somebody handsome to play him in a movie doesn't mean he's a hero. No. I mean, by all accounts, he was what is funny, though, is that there have been some people come out and say, like, oh, yes. He was good. He did a lot of good as far as we are concerned, as far as this side of history, you know, the winners, I guess. Obviously, if you ask, like, an Iraqi citizen with, you know, his dad he shot, you know, he's a piece of shit. But, yeah, obviously. For our purpose from the US of A, he was a hero. He was a hero. He's the deadliest. There were some people who were speculating that he kind of set people up to be in situations where he was needed and needed to kind of like go all out. So, I mean, there's that. Yeah. No. I I've heard a lot of little, like, documents being fucking fiddled with and random little things. Probably just like, like, when his popularity picked off, they're like, wait a minute. We have a hero of the war. Let's prop him up a bit. And then, I mean I could see that. Allegations of just xenophobia, racism, and, like, killing to kill. But, you know, whatever. But, like We're in a war. I get it. You know, it's a war. Okay. I get it. So part part of part of I mean, I haven't gone through the training, but I know a fuck ton of people who have. Yeah. Specifically, the marine corps, their whole goal is to transform you into a killer. That's their thing. No. I yeah. They break you down and they make you into essentially a robot that will follow orders. And there are some people that are already killers that try to go out for that kind of thing. You know what I mean? But, no. Anyway, yeah, getting off that fucking controversy. But I don't. I don't wanna bring all of the American South to my doorstep right now. They're talking shit about Chris Kyle. God forbid. Wasn't he from Texas as well or Oklahoma? I don't fucking he's a he's a southerner, and he's the reason everybody's using those fucking punisher logos for, like, these is 1 hun it's between that and Call of Duty. Dude, the Punisher logo used for a police, like the blue stripe Yeah. Punisher logo. I'm like, have you guys ever read a punisher comic book or watched the movie? No. Well, you know what, though? They may have actually seen that show with what's his name from Walking Dead. Oh, yeah. I can never remember his name. John Bernthal. I just heard John Bernthal, But that show was pretty legit. I liked it. I liked the Oh, it's good. Though. That's good. Punisher's a good character. So It's well, he's not a good guy, but he's they No. It doesn't mean as a good character. He's a fun character because he's brutal. But because everybody and their brother wants to murder somebody. I'm just gonna start assuming that anybody that has, like, the blue stripe Punisher skull on their truck or t-shirt or whatever is, like, doing it ironically to make fun of police brutality. That's no. You know that's not the case. There's too many loops. Nobody thinks that deeply. Nobody thinks that deep down. They they they do it because it looks fucking cool, and they wanna support the police. It's undeniable that that emblem looks great. Message. It is undeniable that that emblem is cool. Yeah. But it's the, like, Thomas Jane emblem. Like, that one became the forever punisher emblem because it was the coolest looking one. That's true. Well, that's but hey. Hey. Whatever. Hey. No. Fuck Thomas Jane because he gave up on the fucking Punisher to do some bullshit anyway. That's true. And then he came back. That motherfucker pissed me off. I said, I don't wanna do a sequel to the Punisher because I don't wanna act in a rule I don't believe in. And then Right. So he left, and it's like, okay. Cool. And then he comes back and does a short with Ron Perlman where he's the punisher again. And I'm just like, motherfucker, what? I do. You do. You did that in your free time. I really liked Everybody liked his punisher. He's fucking John Bernthal was a good punisher as well. Oh, yeah. John Bernthal was a great punisher. I I think out of all 3 of them, 4 of them, because you can't forget oh, fuck. What was that, Jeremy? Dolph Lundgren, punisher. I was today years old when I found out that Dolph Lundgren was a Punisher. In the eighties, my guy. Really? Yep. Nick Fury is in that movie too, I think. Or, no, Nick Fury had a movie in the eighties. I don't think he's in the Punisher one. Sorry. What? What? Also, I thought Dolph Lundgren was Russian, but he's not. He's Swedish. Yeah. David Hasselhoff was Nick Fury. Nick Fury movie. David Hasselhoff? Yeah, man. That was, what? That sounds horrible. Oh, I have seen this punisher, the cover. I haven't seen the actual movie, though. Yeah. Fucking amazing. Okay. Yeah. I was okay. I could see it. Yeah. Yeah. And it's so weird to see Dolph Lundgren with black hair. Yeah. It is just but it's like Thomas Jane no. No. Thomas Jane had black hair too. You know what? Good for everybody that makes a Punisher movie. They make sure he has black hair. I appreciate that. They didn't fucking try to fiddle with the bullshit light. No. What's that movie fucking, I can't even think of it. I don't know. I mean, I'm tired. I've been off all day, and I can't think straight. Let's see. Punisher. We played the Punisher in, war journal or their war the whatever that fucking second movie was called. Well, well, I can tell you exactly why all the Punishers have had black hair. Because it's color accurate. We're, like, I don't know, like, middle mid mid forties white dudes because the last one was in 24 or 2004, and that was before everybody got all crazy with it. They do it one more time. He's gonna do, like, 2008? Okay. Fine. 2008. Yeah. Let's be honest. The next time they do a Punisher, though, it's probably gonna be either Wesley Snipes, which actually probably would not be a bad Punisher or a or a blonde haired white woman who's a lesbian. Yep. Definitely. That falls right in line with Disney's current casting protocol. I, 100%, Gary, you, like, agree with that. Because Disney's just afraid to hire white people at this point. It boggles my mind. And, like, for Ariel, make her black. Why? I don't know. Peter Pan, make her Mexican, make Tinkerbell black. What? Yeah. Okay. I just don't know. Because, like, I feel mhmm. I mean, it's fine. We started off with Trump getting shot in conspiracy theories. Any race can play any role. Whatever. I don't care. But you're taking pre established characters and changing their race for controversy to drive social media people insane so they'll go see your movie. Like, I know what you're doing. You're using controversy to sell tickets. No, no publicity is bad publicity. Yeah. Exactly. Like, that's what I understand. But there are tons of pre established black characters that are getting ignored because they keep remaking shit and recasting it. To be fair, if somebody tried to come out and do, like, a white blade, I would be up and I would be no. That's not Yeah. No. Not accurate. I would be pissed off. But you know what? It would be just rewards for everything. Like, there's this huge epidemic of gingers getting erased from pop culture entirely. I've seen the list. It's like if if there's a if there's a Ginger character involved in a show, movie, anything, the the fucking casting agent so Yeah. Well, that's why they get replaced because they don't have souls. So they've lost both their characters. So it's like, if you took away black characters, the whole world would be set on fire. But now it's okay to take away gingers because they don't have a soul or it's okay to replace this person with that person. It's like, fucking why, though? Why? Why do that? Like, you're ignoring like, DC and Marvel especially ignore black characters that are already pre established so much. Static shock is, like, one of the biggest fan favorite DC characters of all fucking time, and they refused to do anything with him. They shit the bed with black lightning. Where's Steel? Why haven't we gotten a fucking a new Steel movie? Black Superman with fucking John Henry shit? Like, come on, man. Like, that's what is waiting to be made. You you had the death of Superman lined up, Zack Snyder, and you fucking coulda done steel. You could have let Henry Cavill go and not brought him in and digitally erased his mustache. You know what I mean? Like, I just have so many characters that could do it. And then and then the refusal to use makeup for, like, alien characters too. Like Starfire in the Teen Titans thing. It's like Gamora was a black actress. They painted her green. And it's like, okay, so she's still got to be that character, but she's green. Why didn't they make Starfire orange in Teen Titans? Why do they just let her be normal? She's not human. She's an alien. You can call it she can still be a black actress, but fucking color her orange. Goddamn it. I I think everybody should feel connected to characters either by race or whatever. Like it's like, yay. There's black heroes and female heroes and Asian heroes, and it's fine. But it's like, once you start replacing shit, like, when where does it end? Where do you stop replacing shit? Like, you said, what if they make me believe white? It's like, I don't know. Like, I really do think like nothing should really. Make it impossible for like, let's say, I don't know, Samuel L. Jackson being cast as Bruce Wayne, but, like, a later version, you know, like a Batman Returns type version of Batman. Like, in reality, it doesn't matter. Oh, no. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. But it's like You know what it's gonna do to people that have grown up with that character, though. Right. Well, for me, it would be better. It's like if you want Samuel L Jackson as L Jackson as Batman, why not have him as a different person becoming Batman? Because Bruce Wayne is a very specific demographic, a very specific person. No one's. But then, like, I also hear the arguments. It's like you're really arguing the race of a mermaid. It's like, I get it. That I yeah. That's stupid. No. It is. It's it's all fucking stupid. It's the stupidest shit ever, but the people on the other side are also arguing it, so they're as equally as stupid. Nobody's just letting any of it just slide off their back. We're all stupid, and we're all arguing over stupid shit. It is stupid. That doesn't matter. Yeah. In the end How did we get into this conversation in the Talking about Punisher and Chris Kyle, and this is our show, Robert. This is how this happens. That's how this begins. This is true. What are you talking about? We were supposed to stick to one subject. Remember? One topic. We stuck to that topic. I'm still under the umbrella of Trump getting shot means Batman can't be black, obviously. Fucking god. How do you not make those connections? Fuck. I'm totally clipping that. That's it. Oh, man. What else is in the news? We can do current news as a topic, I guess. Oh, Jesus. Neil Gaiman's being fucking butchered online. That's a thing. Good to see that. I don't remember why, though. 2 sexual assault allegations in New England or something from women that he was in consensual relationships with. And with Oh, so they're trying to Trevor Bauer him? Yeah. And with no other information being well, first of all, there is a little bit there is some extra information. 1 of the ladies divulged an extensive amount of information, stuff that probably shouldn't be released to the public as early as it has been and especially, like, if she had any kind of legal guidance. Obviously, she does not because she just, like, lets it all air out on, like, a podcast or to a journalist or some shit. And that just feels weird. But, you know, without and, you know, some And and, you know, some of the text and everything. But, of course, people are like, oh, but there's fucking, you know, Stockholm syndrome kinda thing where it's like people tend to to fall syndrome kinda thing where it's like people tend to to fall for their abusers or get fucking manipulated into thinking Oh, yeah. It's a good time and everything. And it's like battered wife or battered spouse syndrome or whatever it's called. Yeah. And it's like, man, y'all are making a lot of assumptions for some shit that just came out. Right? Like, nothing has been said or decided or hasn't gone to court yet. Like, we know nothing. And all of a sudden, I see all these stupid white bitches on on Instagram and TikTok, like, I guess I'm cleaning off my bookshelf. Fuck Neil Gaiman. I thought he was one of the good ones. Man, shut the fuck up. This is Bill Cosby all over again. Just because he does some fucked up shit doesn't mean you can't enjoy the art that was created. Yeah. I mean, that that goes to everything. And we've talked about that too, the separation of the art from the artist. So But at the same time, you know, like, also has a big Yeah. When you do something that actually goes viral and goes crazy, you know, popular and then they go back and listen to some of the past episodes of this show. They're gonna be like that motherfucker there. I'm gonna stand by it. I do not care. Separate the 2. I don't care, man. And it's because, you know, I I see the world as like nothing's off limits. Like, you can joke about anything, and you can say things you don't mean. And that's I think that's fine. I think if anything comes out against me later in life after I've written, like, 3 best selling novels, then I become the most famous person in the world or some shit. You know, shit that's definitely never gonna happen. But if they're like, oh, there's a little podcast blah blah blah. He talks about race stuff, and it's super offensive. And I would be like, I'm sorry. And they'll be like, you didn't really mean that. And I'm like, oh, are you saying that I can say things and not really mean them then? Mhmm. Is that what you're saying to me right now? Fucker. Of course, now you know it's going out onto the Internet. So Oh, okay. You can't use it. You'll be like, PRD planned it. L Yeah. Of course, I have. I've pre planned everything. Do you not know the severity of my ADHD? I know what I'm going to do for the next 3 hours, Robert, and I've actually already tried to suss out a lot of your responses to what I say at the moment. I, I have no idea what I well, no. In 3 hours, I'm probably gonna be in bed. So Well, yeah. I Super side note, since we're kinda on current Are we? Current stuff. Where am I? Do you see where Shannen Doherty died? Who is Shannen Doherty? Oh my god. I will jump through this microphone and murder you. How do you remember the 4 actors that played The Punisher going back to 1987? You don't know about Shannon Doherty. Shannon Doherty. Shannon Doherty. I will kill you. Was she in anything I would remember? What? Was she in anything that I would remember? Yes. A lot of things that you would remember. Lie. Where should we start? Let's say, okay, let's go with just about any and every Kevin Smith movie. Well, specifically, Mallrats. And, I think she was chasing Amy, probably chasing Amy or Jersey Girl. Okay. She was definitely more red. A 100% more red. God. Now you've just given everybody more of an excuse to hate me because they're gonna think I'm sexist for not knowing actresses. It's like, I know. I don't see women in movies. She's in charge. She was in 90210, which I know those are not your shows. They're not mine. I just have 3 women in Charmed. I don't know how I am supposed to know which one she is? Yeah. She's one of them, and she was gorgeous. She's one of them. See, Airwolf. I don't remember that one. Jailbreakers. Let's see. Jane's side lobs right back. I'm looking at her IMDB. She was in Parker Lewis Can't Lose. Yeah. It's in one episode of Parker Lewis Can't. Awesome. Anyways, I saw that. I was like, oh, man. And in one episode of 21 Jump Street. See, she's just in one episode of a lot of shows that have way better talent. But she was in one episode because she was Shannen Doherty. But does that matter? Yes. I don't know. I don't know. She was in 18 episodes of Little House on the Prairie, so they must have killed her. I did not do that. That's kind of interesting. Yeah. 111 episodes. I didn't watch Beverly Hills 90210. I didn't I didn't watch it. Under 21. Yeah. I I is. Yeah. I I I mean But you definitely watched James Hyde and Bob Strike Back, and you definitely watched Where was she? Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? She probably reprised her role from Mallrats because that's what Jay and Silent Bob did. I don't know. I'm right off the bat here. She was, in fact I don't know. Yeah. But, you know, it's been a really long time since I played or since I watched Jane's Odd Bob Strike Back. I'm a little ashamed of myself. You know, guys, I don't know. If I don't, I don't know actresses. I'll be honest. My brain doesn't remember actresses very well. Very sexist brain. I'm pretty sure she just played Shannen Doherty in. She probably did. Man, I don't know. Looking at her IMDB, I can't imagine why she would be so popular because I don't see anything of note. I felt like she was just like that girl in the nineties that everybody was like, oh, she's very pretty. She's hot. She just pops up in random random things like the 100 episodes of Little House on the Prairie or whatever. I'm pretty, but you don't hear me making a pig pig to do about it? Fuck. No. It's sad though that she died. Fucking play. We're losing actors. They're dropping off like flies, man. Oh. Oh. There was a scene on Jane's side about that. They kinda, like, reprised Scream, and she was the girl on that scene. Oh, maybe. I'm pretty sure she was also one of the 3 chicks that Was along with, that was in charge. There was a. No one. She was with Shannon Elizabeth, and she was one of the 3. It was her, Shannon Elizabeth and Jason. Not Jason. Kevin Smith's wife, Jennifer Swalbach. Mhmm. They were the bank robbers or diamond robbers. I don't know. That doesn't sound familiar. Oh my god. Oh, no. No. A laser dish douche or whatever was the other one. Anyways, yeah, we're getting way off track. It's what we Alright. Well, you know, so far today, we've learned very valuable lessons. 1, be better at shooting. 2 be better at shooting. Yes. 2 Turn your head and cough is not in fact a prostate exam. It's not a prostate exam. It's physical. 3, Bill Cosby. You can still watch the Cosby Show. It's okay. You can. Neil Gaiman didn't do it, so don't throw the books away yet. And, Trevor Bauer is guilty or is innocent, not guilty. Yeah. And, and if you're going to die as an actress, be more memorable. That's the other one. Oh, damn. I told you, you could joke about anything, Robert. Jesus Christ. I didn't know her personally. It's not like her death. I'm not going to fly out to wherever the fuck she's at and go to her funeral and be a pallbearer, ball pair, whatever the fucking that is. You're gonna watch some random ass movie. It's gonna say Shane and George, and you'll be like, oh, that girl. The girl with the titties. Yeah. Gotcha. Yeah. Oh, and she did also. She yeah. My bad. Yeah. She was not one of the chicks. She was, in fact, playing as Shannen Doherty in the Ben Affleck, Max Ainge movie. Dogma. No. With the Saving Private Ryan. Dead Poets Society? No. Dead Poets Society. Oh my god. No. Anyways. Fucking what is that movie called? I have no idea. Miramax put it out. I don't remember it. That was Good Will Hunting. Good Will Hunting. Good Will. God. Yeah. Why did I see that? Poet Society. Is Robin Williams in that? Who's in the Ted Poet Society? I don't think so. I got to look that up now because that's gonna drive me crazy. I am as well. Robin Williams is in dead poet society. That's all. Oh, yeah. Well, you know. Okay. So there you go. You know actors. You don't know actresses. I don't know actresses. It is because none of them are, it's not my fault. It's Hollywood's fault. They don't make them memorable. They don't put them in leading roles that are memorable. I know Scarlett Johansson, and I know Buffy. Yeah. Whatever Buffy's name is, fucking god. What is her name? I had it on a poster here. She's on the she's on my fucking Call of the Dead poster. My Call of Duty George Romero poster. Sara Michelle Geller. That's God. She's got such a weird name. Way too hard. I never liked her. You didn't like buffering? She's like a horse. She's the third sister, the inquisitor in Star Wars Rebels. Sarah Michelle Gellar? Yes. Which is fucking hilarious, man. I was also getting her mixed up with Sarah Jessica Parker. She's the one Oh, no. She was like a horse. Yes. Sarah Jessica Parker looks for a horse. She got so much in the first Hocus Pocus movie, but outside of that, yes, horse completely. Yeah. No. That's all I got. It's Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and You don't remember Meryl Streep or Julia Roberts, Andy Kaplan? No. Yeah. The old ladies. Yeah. Like, old kid, Jennifer Aniston. Dame Judi Dench. The old ladies? Yeah. Dame Judi Dench. There's Zendaya, Zendaya, whatever her name is. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Forget she's a person. That's right. Right. Jennifer Lawrence. They're not old. Who's Jennifer Lawrence? Margot Robbie. Margot Robbie. Oh, dude. That's Harley Quinn. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Who's Jennifer Lawrence? Played the love interest of Leo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street. Oh. Alright. We've determined that you hate women. So Because I don't know who the fuck is Jennifer Lawrence? You haven't answered my question. Oh my Jennifer Lawrence, she played Mystique in the X Men movies. She was also in That was not. The hunger game. Lawrence played Mystique in the X Men movies. It was Jennifer Lawrence. No. She played Mystique in the X Men movies. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yes, she did. No. No. No. Yes. She did. I don't think so. Yes. She did. I I think the lady who played Mystique's name was, like, Rebecca something. No. It's Jennifer Lawrence, the other white lady's name. In x men x 2 and x men the last stand, it wasn't a Rebecca thing. Oh, she played Mystique in Days of Future Past and First Class and Apocalypse. Oh, so the ones that I hated and didn't wanna watch. Yeah. Okay. So yeah. No. But she was in fact Oh, I know who you're talking about. That bitch I can't stand, and I will never watch a single movie that she's in. Yeah. Why can't you stand her? Because all of her movies look utter shite. And she just has this, like, bitch face that I just hate. Are you not confusing her with the girl that played in the Twilight movies? No. I hate her too. She has, like, zero emotion. She is in one movie that I liked, and, but I hate everything else she's ever been in. Okay. And now I can't. I think we're new. The name of the I think we're tapped out. I think we're Kristen Stewart. Kristen Stewart. That's right. Kristen Stewart. No. Fuck it. Underwater was the name of the movie. She's really good at that one. That's it. Outside of that, she sucks. Hers suck she sucks. Jennifer Lawrence sucks. And Taylor Swift sucks. About Jennifer Garner, Does she suck? Who the fuck is Jennifer Garner? Emma Stone. I love Emma Stone. I do like Emma Stone. Who the fuck is Jennifer Garner? Now I gotta Google that too. Oh my god. You got me good. Welcome to the podcast episode where we just You really do hate women. Fucking Google the whole fucking I do not recognize this. She's got, like, an old lady face. Who is she in? Oh, she was Elektra. I dude, I haven't seen her in anything in fucking 20 years. I don't know how I am supposed to remember her? We're done. Am I done? We're done. Why am I done? Have you seen her recently? We are super canceled. Why are we getting sick? You know who I do love? Sandra Bullock. I love Sandra Bullock. Sandra Bullock. And she was Gravity? Dude. No. That movie. Train. Loved her. I never watched the bullet train. I heard it was good. The best movie ever made by human beings. Jennifer Garner, apparently, she's in Deadpool and Wolverine. I've seen the bullet train 5 times. I fucking love that movie. I've watched the movie 5 times, and then I've also watched 2 people review the movie. Nice. Then, what is it? CinemaSins? Like, I like that. But alright. Yeah. I mean, if Jennifer Garner was in so many good ass movies. I think was she, though? Yeah. She was. Was she? Yeah. I don't know. No. Maybe there's some Garner fans out there, but I'll stick with my super great club of acting men and the homoeroticism that is given by that statement. God. Okay. Trainwreck without Trainwreck. Right. It's a trainwreck without Tyler and Frank. Is it? It's like the old times. It's like that. I missed the old times. 3 episode 84, whatever it was. Remember when it was just you and me? I do remember. We were doing this shit together. Do you remember? Hand in hand, taking over the world. Joe Rogan does it by himself. I mean That's not true. That is kind of true. He thinks it's true. That's not true. He has a guest star on And he has a producer that's right there with him. But his producer isn't on the podcast. He talks. It's the Joe Rogan series. It's not the Joe Rogan and producer experience. Yeah. Or experience. That's his name. Curve. Who gives a rat's ass? Joe Rogan doesn't. His big gorilla hands. I like those gorilla hands. That's weird. That is a weird thing to say. Hey, Joe Rogan. Robert, why is your grill? I like Joe Rogan. That's all I'm saying. He can be a little weird. He can be a little out there, but I like him. Dude's just scraping his knuckles on the concrete every time he walks down the street. Like an actionable gorilla. Yeah. Alright. Goodbye, everybody.